LinkedIn Masterclass Bootcamp Session


LinkedIn Masterclass Bootcamp Session



LinkedIn Masterclass Bootcamp

Book your Bootcamp now – private 121 sessions available via Zoom or face-to-face 10:00am till 3:00pm

Is it time you got something back from LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Masterclass testimonialWe all know that LinkedIn is capable of generating incredible results … but most of us don’t quite seem to get them!  We connect to people we know, we flick through our home feed from time to time (sometimes liking or commenting), we post on an occasional basis … and that’s about it.

What are you currently achieving:

  • Noise and awareness for you and your business – perhaps?
  • Another place to post cat videos – please, not on LinkedIn!
  • Erm … wouldn’t it be nice to generate some sales opportunities and GROW your business?

Improve your knowledge and change the outcomes!

In truth, most people using LinkedIn KNOW it’s not really working for them … for all sorts of reasons, they accept that, and they end up being an ‘occasional user’ not really getting much in return.  But what if you could learn how to ‘switch it on’ and start generating leads and sales conversations?

Join me on my Masterclass BootCamp and let me share what I’ve learned over the last 10 years.  I’ll explain the steps I’ve taken to grow my personal LinkedIn profile to well over 19,600 local decision-maker connections and how I’ve built a reputation for blunt, straight-talking LinkedIn advice.  LinkedIn now creates around 80% of all my new business and it could be doing that for you too.

My background and approach:

LinkedIn Bootcamp testimonialAs the founder and operator of the Yorkshire Powerhouse business advice project, and previously as the owner of a successful marketing and growth agency, I’ve now been at the forefront of Business to Business (B2B) marketing strategy thinking for more than 25 years.

My approach is blunt, ‘straight-talking’ and always focused on getting ‘sales results’ from ‘marketing activity’ – take a look at my LinkedIn recommendations to see what others say about me, my approach and my effectiveness!

The LinkedIn Masterclass Bootcamp agenda:

I will guide you through a highly focussed session:

  • Welcome and introduction.
  • Identifying your perfect customer, customer needs, your messages, etc.
  • Reviewing your LinkedIn profile – the basics, building your pitch, presenting your credibility.
  • Looking at activity and ‘day-to-day’ use of LinkedIn.
  • Building your connections and developing immediate sales leads.
  • Looking at the long game and achieving long-term results from LinkedIn.
  • Measuring the results from your efforts.
  • LinkedIn Seminar testimonialQuestions and answers session will pepper the above sessions with a main Q&A session at the end.

The session normally runs from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Book your session now!

The cost is simply £495.00 plus VAT per session.

The session will take place online using Zoom or at a mutually agreed location.

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