Marketing, using-video
5 ways to keep costs down when creating a professional video for business We are living in challenging times. Which means it’s all the more important to keep a check on business running costs. We also know the importance of staying competitive in business and that...
Marketing, using-video
How to ‘give life’ to a big lump of stone I recently took a gruelling, ten-hour drive to the very north of Scotland, near John O’Groats, as part of a project to promote a particular type of stone. Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? Stone, in itself, is much like...
Marketing, using-video
Video options – which kind of video is right for my business? There are so many ways that video can help promote and grow your business. What’s right for you depends entirely on the business you have. So, here’s a simple guide to your video options 1. If you want to...
Marketing, using-video
How do I create a video to differentiate myself from my competitors? Before even thinking about video, ask yourself a few questions. Start by getting under the skin of your brand. Ask yourself, “What do I do?” “Who do I do it for?” and “What makes me and my business... This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cookie settingsACCEPT Privacy & Cookies Policy