Business Book Reviews – an introduction
Here at the Yorkshire Powerhouse, we believe in the value of considering new ideas and strategies that could benefit your own business. There are thousands of business books out there and we’ve selected the most highly rated and reviewed books we can find – and then we tell you what we really think about them! We are in Yorkshire after all, a spade is definitely a spade as far as we’re concerned!
We hope you enjoy our short and snappy reviews and we hope you are inspired to read more and ignore the dross!
Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed
Black Box Thinking book review: The way to remove ego from the continuous improvement process is through system design and training.
Scaling Up by Verne Harnish
Scaling Up: The challenge for the reader is not in understanding the principles, it will be making the adjustments necessary for successful implementation.
Barking up the Wrong Tree by Eric Barker
Barking up the Wrong Tree: The emphasis of the book is on how generosity propels us forward and how things done with positivity are much more successful
The Automatic Customer by John Warrillow
Book review: The Automatic Customer – Taking the lessons from this book and facing harsh realities will pay back in reward and reduced effort.
iGEN by Jean Twenge
iGen is a ‘must read’ for any business wanting to market to consumers born after 1995 and managers seeking to get the best from them – here’s our review
Sellology by Alistaire Jama
Sellology by Alistaire Jama is an extraordinarily useful book for any Director or Manager who is not a sales natural but needs to understand selling
24 Assets by Daniel Priestley
24 Assets by Daniel Priestley review: this book smacks of Priestley needing to produce another book, but running out of ideas.
The Idea in You by Martin Amor & Alex Pellew
A Yorkshire Powerhouse book review of The Idea in You by Martin Amor & Alex Pellew – An excellent read, invaluable for kick starting a business
Great by Choice by Jim Collins
Yorkshire Powerhouse book review: Great by Choice by Jim Collins: This is another very powerful addition to the Jim Collins stable
Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick by Chris Bradley and Martin Hirt
Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick by Chris Bradley and Martin Hirt – a business book review from Yorkshire Powerhouse scoring 4/10
Do : Disrupt by Mark Shayler
Do : Disrupt is an unusual approach to the presentation of a business book with a grand assumption that your passions will feed a disruptive business model
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber – Essential reading for any budding entrepreneur based on the concept of procedurisation